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2015 Invitation For Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
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PT Garda Tujuh Buana held Annual General Meeting of shareholders 2014

PT Garda Tujuh Buana held it's Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 26th June 2014 at Balairung Kiani, Menara Hijau Building, second floor Jl MT Haryono Kav 33 Jakarta

PT Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk Celebrating Indonesia Independence Day 2013

PT. Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk celebrating Indonesia Independence Day 2013 with some activities between management and employees (The Pictures can be seen in Gallery part of this website)


PT Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk held it's extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders in Hotel Aston Pluit Jakarta on 14 May 2013. The detail of press release can be seen at press release section on this website. 

Garda Tujuh Buana expects to double sales

Garda Tujuh Buana expects to double sales under new contract. The company aimed to sell a total of 5.7 to 6 million metric tons of coal by end of 2012. Until June 30, GTB already get orders about 4.2 million metric tons. 


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